Spa Functions

Off Mode
Pressing Pump 1 for 5 seconds will enable the Off Mode. This mode allows you to stop all outouts including automatic functions such as filter cycle, heat request and smart winter mode for 30 minutes to perform quick spa maintance. When Off Mode is active, the display will toggle between the “OFF” message, the clock and the water temperature. The spa light will flash for a few seconds before the end of the 30 minutes to warn you that the system is about to resume its normal operation.
Press Pump 1 or Pump 2 (if available) to restart the system before the expiration of the 30 minutes delay. When the system resume its normal operation, the display shows “ON” for 3 seconds.

Pump 1
Press Pump 1 key to turn Pump 1 on at low speed. Press second time to turn pump to high speed. A third time turns pump off. A built-in timer automatically turns pump off after 20 minutes, unless pump has been manually deactivated first.
The “Pump 1” indicator lights up when Pump 1 in on. The indicator will flash when pump 1 is on at low speed.

Pump 2 (Not available on all models)
Press Pump 2 key to turn Pump 2 on at high speed. Press a second time turns pump off. A built-in timer automatically turns pump off after 20 minutes, unless pump has been manually deactivated first.
The “Pump 2” indicator lights up when Pump 2 in on.